Assignment Guidelines


General things to bear in mind about assignments:

  • Due dates
    • Assignments need to be posted to E-submit by the correct time on the due date. The due date is indicated by the link on the class schedule.
    • Assignments that are late (without prior authorization or something like a doctor's note) will receive a nonnegotiable grade of 0.


  • Posting assignments
    • Name ALL of your files – Last_Name + _ last4ofyourstudentIDnumber (3 if you are a grad student)+_assignment#

example:        schiess_4567_1          (note the under sores)

o       "Sign" your assignments with your Name, email, course number, quarter and year, and assignment number, as in this example.

o       All assignments should be in Adobe PDF format. If you do not know how to create PDF files, review instructions on creating PDF files. You can print to PDF in most drop-in labs around the University, such as the CRC in Mary Gates Hall. Lab personnel or the TA will also be able to help you print to PDF format.

o       Assignments will be turned in to the Catalyst Drop Box page for the course (see the top of any assignment page for the e-submit link). If you are not familiar with using E-submit, review the instructions.


  • Who does your work?
    • You are encouraged to discuss amongst each other the assignments as well as methodologies for solving the problems.
    • Feel free to work in groups or alone as you please, in order to come up with a methodology for solving the problems. However, when you turn in an assignment, make sure that you have done the calculations and analysis, that you have written the answers, that you have made the maps, and that the answers are in your own words.
    • Plagiarism is a serious offense at the University of Washington; it will not be tolerated and will be treated as a serious offense that can lead to dire consequences, including expulsion. Any obvious occurrences of cheating will be immediately forwarded to the Dean of the College of Forest Resources and/or to the Dean of your academic unit for disciplinary action.

If you have any doubts, please see the official word on Academic Honesty.

  • Spelling, style, fonts, font size, line spacing
    • Please copy the questions onto your answer sheet (single space the questions), and make sure to use numbers to indicate the answers to each question.
    • Always use a spell checker before you submit assignments! We reserve the right to deduct 1 point for each obvious misspelling.
    • Always double-space your answers.
    • Your work will be graded only on content, but it will also be edited for style, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
    • Use the Windows functionality for screen captures when asked to include maps in your assignments.
    • Make sure maps are legible, and that they clearly show what you intend to display. Do not assume that the map reader knows what you intend to communicate. Use appropriate colors, symbols, text size, line width, etc.
    • Please use Times (or Times New Roman), 12 point as the font for your assignments. Certain fonts have been known not to come across in the PDF files.
    • Use only black or blue font face colors. Do not use red!
  • What's the big deal about units of measurement?
    • Always include a unit of measure with every reported numeric value or graph. Failure to include a unit of measurement will result in lost points!
    • Why are units of measurement important? When incorrect units of measure are used, bad things can happen: bridges collapse, people die, satellites crash into Mars, etc.
    • If you lose points because of failure to report units of measurement, or if you have failed to report your results in the requested unit, please do not attempt to argue for more points!
  • Corrected assignments
    • Your assignments will be returned in digital format via email until I figure out a better way to distribute it.
  • Answers
    • Answer keys will be posted after all assignments have been turned in.
    • Answer keys are linked at the bottom of the assignment web pages.


Answer the assignment and exam questions to the best of your abilities. Above all, try to enjoy yourselves, and don't forget to relax and have fun once in a while.